Vector Group of Power-Transformer-Winding connection designations
Basic Idea of Winding An ac voltage applied to a coil will induce a voltage in a second coil where the two are linked by a magnetic path. The phase relationship of the two voltages depends upon which ways round the coils are connected. The voltages will either be in-phase or displaced by 180 degree. When 3 coils are used in a 3 phase transformer winding a number of options exist. The coil voltages can be in phase or displaced as above with the coils connected in star or delta and, in the case of a star winding, have the star point (neutral) brought out to an external terminal or not. Six Ways to wire Star Winding : Six Ways to wire Star Winding Six Ways to wire Delta Winding : Six Ways to wire Delta Winding Polarity An AC voltage applied to a coil will induce a voltage in a second coil where the two are linked by a ma...