
Showing posts from May, 2013

WiTricity' system charges gadgets wirelessly from up to eight feet away - and could be in phones and tablets

WiTricity' system charges gadgets wirelessly from up to eight feet away - and could be in phones and tablets this year Imagine a day when you can power your personal electronic devices without ever plugging them in?That will soon be a reality thanks to Witricity. The Watertown-based company creates wirelesss energy by using non-radiative magnetic fields to transfer energy. This infographic should help you understand how energy is transfered without using any wires.  WiTricity Corp. technology will be the medium that ties our existing electric grid to a broad range of mobile and wireless devices—and enables the development of radically new and improved consumer, commercial, and industrial devices. WiTricity Corp. is now actively developing the core technology and additional intellectual property that will take this spectacular invention and turn it into commercially available products. Our mission is to develop a family of wireless power components that will enable...

Why you should continuously improve your soft skills

Why you should continuously improve your soft skills....   In India, electronics engineering as a career has always attracted the student community in a big way. Testimony to this fact is an ever-increasing number of aspirants taking various entrance exams to qualify and enroll for their choice of engineering branch. Throughout the course, one learns and specialises in a particular branch of engineering theoretically and practically. However, just technical skills are not enough as the most common HR question is: Beyond technical skills, experience and knowledge, what added value do you bring to the organisation? Therefore soft skills are critical to make you employable. Role of Soft Skills in your Engineering Career   The most common Hr question is: Beyond technical skills, experience and knowledge, what added value do you bring to the organisation? Of course, it is the soft skills that ensure success in your career. Here is what exactly are soft skills, why they ...

V2G-Vehicle-to-Grid --

Green Technology. Vehicle-to-Grid Technology.   Electric Car Networks Represent Another Energy Storage Solution.   Right after reading Brian Albright’s piece “Energy Storage Solution Full of Hot Air,” I came across an interesting energy solution in a Scientific American blog post by Lesley Evans Ogden. This article discusses the history and commercialization of vehicle-to-grid technology  (V2G), which was developed by Willett Kempton at the University of Delaware along with Vermont’s Green Mountain College economist Steve Letendre. The concept is to create a network of electric vehicles (EV) to act as batteries, charging the EVs’ batteries during slow energy usage times and feeding the energy back to the grid during high demand.   This would be extremely useful in micro-grid applications and in applications using solar and wind energy generation.  Professor Kempton sold his rights to this technology to Danish company Nuvve last June. They, in turn, h...

Maximising Solar PV Energy Penetration

Maximising Solar PV Energy Penetration. The technology challenge in PV will be to generate innovations in efficiency and cost reduction fast enough to maintain a profit margin.   Photovoltaics (PVs) will be a key pillar of our future sustainable energy system, and 1:1:1 for wind, solar, and others (hydro, biomass, geothermal) is a reasonable expectation—according to Prof. Eicke R. Weber, director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, and professor for physics/solar energy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and at the Faculty of Engineering at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany. Crystalline silicon will remain the dominant PV technology. Classical thin-filmhas to show lower prices or comparable efficiencies. Highly-efficient concentrated photovoltaics (CPVs) will take up a rapidly increasing niche market, competing with concentrating solar power (CSP). Prof. Weber, along with S. Janz and S. Glunz from the Fraunhofer-Institute ...

Hy-wire -Best car ever engineered _ The green car _ The future car

Hy-wire   The HY WIRE concept car the name symbolizes the combination of hydrogen as fuel for the fuel cell propulsion system, and the replacement of conventional mechanical and hydraulic control linkages for steering, braking and other control systems by a drive-by-wire system. By combining fuel cell and by-wire technology, General motors have packaged this vehicle in a new way, opening up a new world of chassis architectures and customized bodies for individualized expressions and it is a significant step towards a new kind of automobile that is substantially more friendly to the environment and provides consumers positive benefits in driving dynamics, safety and freedom of individual expression.   The world today consumes a large amount of energy. Most of the energy requirements are fulfilled using conventional sources of energy. Of this energy consumed, a large part is utilized by the automotive sector. If the people continue using the conventional sources of ener...

Make your own LED Resistor Selector Dial

Make your own LED Resistor Selector Dial.   1.The theory behind the LED Resistor Selector Dial   The Theory Behind this make LEDs are diodes with very specific characteristics. The most important values that must be followed are the (maximum) forward voltage [Vf] and the (maximum) forward current [If]. Typically, an LED powered with a voltage equal to Vf, will allow a current equal to If to pass through. The forward voltage of LEDs depends on the material they are made of (thus the color that they emit) and the number of diodes in series they have. For example, a red LED typically operates at 20mA when a voltage of 2.2 volts is applied across its leads.  So, what happens if we have 5 volts to power this 2.2V LED? There are many different LED drivers, but the simplest one is to use a resistor in series. Here is the typical circuit:     The idea of the resistor is to generate a voltage drop across its leads. Byselecting this resistor properly, the voltage...