Global Warming--How can you contribute in Reducing Global Warming?
Here are 10 simple things you can do to stop or prevent global warming.- Change a light : Replace regular bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They consume less power then ordinary bulbs and have longer lifetime. Some countries have completely banned the usage of ordinary bulbs and force the common public to use CFL bulbs.
- Drive less : By driving less you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing global warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, for eg: car pooling. If you have colleagues who live in the same area then you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are great form of exercise.
- Recycle more : Try to use the disposable products into some other form. Just don't throw them away. You can recycle almost anything for eg: paper, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers. By recycling you can help in reducing landfills .
- Check your tyres : When you drive make sure your tyres are inflated properly. If not, then obviously they will consume more fuel. Keep your engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying of brakes hampers the engine and can lower the mileage of your car.
- Use less hot water : Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less hot water. It will help in saving energy require to produce that energy.
- Avoid products with lot of packaging : Just don't buy products with lot of packaging. When you buy such products you will end up in throwing the waste material in the garbage, which then will help in filling landfill sites and pollute the environment. Also, discourage others from buying such products.
- Adjust your thermostat : Geysers consume lot of electricity. Use the thermostat to lower down the temperature. The easiest and most cost effective advice is simply adjusting your thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter.
- Turn off electronic devices : Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more. Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by which we get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.
- Plant a tree : Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming then any other method. They not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis, which is the main source of global warming.
- Spread the awareness : Always try your best to educate people about global warming and it's causes and after affects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to share information with friends, relatives and neighbors.
Here are 10 simple things you can do to stop or prevent global warming.
- Change a light : Replace regular bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They consume less power then ordinary bulbs and have longer lifetime. Some countries have completely banned the usage of ordinary bulbs and force the common public to use CFL bulbs.
- Drive less : By driving less you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing global warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, for eg: car pooling. If you have colleagues who live in the same area then you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are great form of exercise.
- Recycle more : Try to use the disposable products into some other form. Just don't throw them away. You can recycle almost anything for eg: paper, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers. By recycling you can help in reducing landfills .
- Check your tyres : When you drive make sure your tyres are inflated properly. If not, then obviously they will consume more fuel. Keep your engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying of brakes hampers the engine and can lower the mileage of your car.
- Use less hot water : Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less hot water. It will help in saving energy require to produce that energy.
- Avoid products with lot of packaging : Just don't buy products with lot of packaging. When you buy such products you will end up in throwing the waste material in the garbage, which then will help in filling landfill sites and pollute the environment. Also, discourage others from buying such products.
- Adjust your thermostat : Geysers consume lot of electricity. Use the thermostat to lower down the temperature. The easiest and most cost effective advice is simply adjusting your thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter.
- Turn off electronic devices : Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more. Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by which we get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.
- Plant a tree : Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming then any other method. They not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis, which is the main source of global warming.
- Spread the awareness : Always try your best to educate people about global warming and it's causes and after affects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to share information with friends, relatives and neighbors.
What's Global Warming?
The Global warming is an environmental challenge that entire world facing today, since the late 1960s, we have been hearing the 'Global Warming 'phrase. It is a process of heating the atmosphere of the planet. The level of carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere.
How Global Warming Work?
Industrial Growth Cause of Greenhouse Gases
The industry has boomed very swiftly, during the last few decades. These industrial sectors use fossil fuels, which increases greenhouse gases. These gases are the major reason of global warming. There is huge pressure on the industrial countries to reduce the release of gases produced by greenhouses.
Greenhouse Gases Increase the Earth Temperature
Greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the planet. When the temperature starts to change rapidly, it becomes more concerning. Records show that the earth temperature has increased about eight degrees Celsius. The earth is wrapped by the layer of the heat-trapping gasses. Whenever these gases enter the atmospheres, it acts similar to a blanket; traps heat into the atmosphere, and then alters climatic conditions globally.
A greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere on the earth because of a lot human activities, like fossil fuels burning, wood products, chemical reactions, solid waste tree and of course the main driver is carbon dioxide.
Some other contributors are also active, like, methane, this gas release during the coal, gas and oil transportation and production. It also emits during agricultural practices, like decay and death of microorganisms. It is contributing to global warming.
Human beings have been burning different fuels in a big quantity to generate electricity, run automobiles and for heating homes and releasing these all gases without any care and damaging the environment badly, and climate changes are being observed in the result.
Global Warming Cause of Seasonal Change
Global warming does not only heat up the earth. It causes many seasonal changes. It may make winters longer, whereas, summers shorter. Climate change because of global warming has become a serious threat to human being. The climates have become abnormal. Glaciers are melting and raising the sea' levels.
Sea Level Rising Effect
Glaciers are melting rapidly and increasing the sea levels, down falling effects are seeing on fish habitat. Whenever sea levels rise, they convert fresh coming water in brackish water, and that the brackish marsh in salt marsh, in a result a destruction of nursery for marine life is being observed.
Many species are in trouble. In U.S forty six fisheries has depleted. The Fishermen in a large number are losing jobs. A constructive solution is necessary to enjoy the seafood and maintain the fish's number in the future.
Plant & Animals Disappearance
Many species of animals and plants have disappeared because of global warming.
How can you contribute in Reducing Global Warming?
Unfortunately, we human beings produce many greenhouses through automobiles, livestock cultivation, landfills and power plants. If you reduce the utilization of those things, you will definitely help the environment and reduce global warming.

Effects of Global Warming
Global Warming is already affecting the human kind, plant and animals in number of ways through increased ocean levels, droughts and changed weather patterns. Global warming is well recognized by scientists around the world as a serious public health and environmental concern.
Below is the list of effects that global warming is having on environment, climate and human kind.
- Melting of glaciers : The melting of glaciers will create plethora of problems for human kind an the animals living in the earth. Due to increased global warming, the level of the sea will rise which will lead to flooding and this will in turn create havoc in human life. Apart from raising the sea levels, it will also endanger several species of animals and thus will hamper the balance of the ecosystem. Moreover these large glaciers reflect light back into the space and with meltdown of these glaciers, earth will be further warmed.
- Climate Change : Irregular weather patterns have already started showing results. Increased precipitation in the form of rain have already been noticed in polar and subpolar regions. More global warming will lead to more evaporation which will cause more rains. Animals and plants cannot easily adapt to increase rainfall. Plants may die due to it and animals may migrate to other areas, which can cause entire ecosystem out of balance.
- Droughts : Large scale evaporation will be the major cause of droughts in many places particularly Africa. Although, it is reeling under the huge pressure of water crisis, increased global warming would further make the situation worse and will cause malnutrition.
- Diseases : As the temperature becomes more warm, it will have an affect on the health of humans and the diseases they are exposed to. With the increase in the rainfall, water borne diseases are likely to spread specially malaria. The earth will become more warm and as a result heat waves are likely to increase that will cause a major blow to the people particularly in Europe.
- Hurricanes frequency : As the temperature of the oceans rises, hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger. With the increase in the global warming the water in the ocean warms up and it heats up the surrounding air, creating hurricanes. More water evaporation means more hurricanes.
- Agriculture : Global warming will affect agriculture. Although the results are not visible yet, but it may show it's colors in years to come. As the global temperature will increase plants will find it harder to survive and will die. Plants are the major source of food for human beings and as a result food shortage will occur. The shortage of the food may lead to war and conflicts in some countries.
Global Warming Solutions
Earth's temperature is rising day by day and there is no single solution to solve global warming which has already created havoc in today's world. Threats of global warming include: rising sea level, lost endangered species, climate change and deadly storm events. We have already seen the causes of global warming. The solutions listed below can bring down the carbon emissions upto much extent We are already seeing the effects of global warming around the world as climate change, melting of glaciers, droughts and diseases.
The real problem is the pollution produced from industries, vehicles and power plants. The solutions listed below require tough laws and regulations that require firm deadlines for global warming pollution reductions.
The real problem is the pollution produced from industries, vehicles and power plants. The solutions listed below require tough laws and regulations that require firm deadlines for global warming pollution reductions.
- Use energy efficient products : Energy efficient products like fluorescent bulbs go long way in saving energy and that too at low cost. Energy produced by electronic gadgets at home or industry are largest producer of global warming. Using energy efficient products has vast potential to save both energy and money, and can be deployed quickly.
- Going nuclear : Nuclear technology produce low carbon emissions, an increase in the use of nuclear energy could help in reducing global warming. Though, nuclear technology pose serious threat to health and security but its safe use can help in reducing global warming to great extent. But incidents like accident at the Fukushima Diaichi plant in Japan pose serious questions: whether its time to go nuclear?
- Phasing out fossil fuels : Burning of fossil fuels like wood or coal produce more carbon emissions than other product. Phasing out coal burning power plants and not burning fossil fuels directly will reduce dependance on fossil fuels.
- Switch off gadgets when not in use : Often when we go out, we forget to switch off fans, bulbs, gadgets when actually there is no use of them. These devices generate heat which in itself contribute to global warming. Switching off these devices will save electricity, lower down electricity bills and reduce global warming.
- Stop deforestation : Less trees means less absorption of green house gases which are in itself responsible for more global warming. We can fight global warming by reducing deforestation and forest degradation. Managing forests and agriculture therefore should be the top priority to reduce carbon emissions.
- Use public transportation : Pollution from vehicles account for major portion of carbon emissions. Usage of public transportation, car pooling and low carbon fuels not only reduce pollution but also reduce vehicular traffic on the road. In the long run, public transportation appear more cost friendly and doesn't pinch the pocket.
- Explore renewable sources : Renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal and bio-energy create clean energy and have been in use around the world for many years. These technologies can be deployed quickly, are cost-effective and create jobs for millions of people.
- Pushing for tough standards : Government should ensure that no subsidies, incentives or commitments are made to new coal-fired plants unless they produce zero emissions.
- Developing low carbon technologies : Research and development of low carbon technologies will further help in reducing carbon emissions.
- Spreading word : Word of mouth is the best way to create awareness among the people to stop carbon emissions. Presentations, meetings and discussions over global warming provide information about viable solutions to global warming, and reinforcing the economic benefits available throughout the Midwest from the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
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